Debian sound configuration
How to get sound working
The sound system has low level drivers (ALSA) and daemonds above them that figure out which program should get access first. Today (late 2004 Sarge) things are in transition to using alsa and jack for really quality sound without the problems of the past.
What to install
alsa-base ALSA driver configuration files
alsa-modules ALSA driver modules
alsa-oss ALSA OSS-compatibility library
alsa-source ALSA driver sources
alsa-utils ALSA utilities
alsamixergui graphical soundcard mixer for ALSA soundcard driver
alsaplayer PCM player designed for ALSA
alsaplayer-com PCM player designed for ALSA (common files)
alsaplayer-gtk PCM player designed for ALSA (GTK version)
alsaplayer-jack PCM player designed for ALSA (jack output module)
alsaplayer-oss PCM player designed for ALSA (OSS output module)
snd-gtk-alsa Sound file editor (GTK+ user interface)
vlc-plugin-alsa ALSA audio output plugin for VLC
alsaplayer-jack PCM player designed for ALSA (jack output module)
jack Rip and encode CDs with one command
jackd JACK Audio Connection Kit (server and example clients)
What to config
lspci | grep audio
This should tell you what audio card you have
Get module-assistant and run it and select the audio card from the list (you can fix an error here by running dpkg-reconfigure alsa-source)
Stick the followign in .bash_profile
jack -d alsa &
>> this fails to work all the time right now - let me know if you get Jack working well under KDE (3.2 right now)
Then run
alsactl store
then run
In KDE (3.2 for now) set sound system to use ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound architecture)
Please email me with errors, omissions, and other information at